For the past while now I have been pursuing a new direction with my photography. During the pandemic, working full time in the bicycle industry. We were overwhelmed with demand. There wasn’t enough hours in the day to get all the work done that was requested. I took some of my downtime and still did some street photography but it didn’t feel the same with so many people at home and not out and about. I needed something to distract me from the stress of work and the toll it was taking on me physically.
The UNSQUASHABLE Tour-Tec Pro shoe. Imaged used as part of the launch of the shoe.
Once the gyms opened so that you could go and do some workouts, I jumped back into playing racquetball. I hadn’t done this since I was a kid. I bought some gear and took the plunge. I noticed almost immediately how much fitness I had lost. The ability to move quickly, the strength I once had. The damage that stress had on my body was very noticeable. I was determined to get it back though. I spent an hour here and an hour there and eventually I was able to work out on the court for the whole 45 minutes without a break. Much better than barely lasting 10 minutes in the beginning. The fitness was returning.
Video of the UNSQUASHABLE Tour-Tec Pro shoe. Red colour way for Canada.
There was also something else that returned. The desire to create images again. Instead of wanting to just do street photography or landscapes I wanted to capture what it felt like to get on the court and push myself back into fitness. I started shooting the things that I saw and felt were interesting. In this time I also tried squash and tennis. Both which I had some success with and they also helped develop my fitness and some other benefits which I will cover later.
Image of yours truly. Used by UNSQUASHABLE on a post about dedication and how success is earned.
The change that all this working out and capturing the process made was, digital content. Now, I had created for social media before, doing my own channels and some for work (actually quite a bit for work). Now I was getting the attention of a few brands. What I found interesting, is that they were interested in the way that I shot. The black and white images and videos that I was putting on my new racquet sport related channels were attracting attention. I had an interest in these brands and that’s why I was using their products.
Tennis lifestyle image
I did some research and found that what I was unintentionally doing is called UGC, user generated content. This has led to a few deals and most importantly has created relationships in a new industry where I feel value. The benefit of fitness from playing these sports and the connection I have through creating this content that I would make regardless of the connection has led to a new direction in the creator space. Developing this content while utilizing my past experience in photography, all to develop my unique style of content and the interest it generates, not only removes the stress I felt when I started but has also increased my creative desire and help lead the charge in making positive change in my life.
More of the UNSQUASHABLE Tour-Tec Pro shoe. Used by Opticsports Canada. Distributor for UNSQUASHABLE in Canada.