Being a street photographer usually means that you are outside when you are shooting. Living in Canada, also means that during the winter you get really cold. I don’t really like winter, especially when my fingers or toes get cold. Maybe that’s me just getting older but I do prefer when it is warm outside. In Calgary we get the benefit of a weather pattern called chinooks. After some weeks of below seasonable temperatures we had a week of above zero degree weather. Today the temperature got to +10 Celsius. Tomorrow it will be -14 Celsius.
Walking through the +15
Being able to take this time to go out and shoot makes a big difference in my world. I don’t always get to go out as much as I want and during the winter month’s that gets compounded with the weather. I like the low light that we get during the winter month’s here but it doesn’t last long during the day. getting out to take advantage of the scene’s that it will create.
Shadows of trees
While I have only been doing street photography for 3 and a half years, It’s good to know that I can go out and find inspiration to keep capturing images. This time of year I see many photographers posting about burn out and how they are going to change the way that they are going to do things going forward. going out and shooting street feels right, I feel like I belong out there capturing images. Sometimes it a great scene, sometimes it’s a funny story in my head.
In the sun on the elevated walkway.
The one thing that I am going to change going forward is putting more effort into creating some printed products. I am not going to stop shooting or change how or what I shoot. I want to increase the amount f places that I can go to capture some street images. The first shoot of the year injects some good energy into the projects and ideas that come up for the upcoming year.
Reflected clouds in the window.
I hope that you have been enjoying the work that I have been doing and how I see street photography. Keep coming back to see more images and read about shooting street. If you haven’t already check out the Instagram page as I have been posting there daily for over 3 years.
Blue skies.
Light on the corner.
Stoplight on the corner.
Backlit on the street.
Well dressed and happy to see my camera.
Dummies in the window.
Back alley coffee shop.